IFK Iran Branch Chiefs Seminar 2021


IFK Iran held the first seminar for branch chiefs in Iran after the COVID restrictions on October 1st, 2021 in Tehran.
The seminar was held under the leadership of Shihan Manoucher Vahidi, IFK representative in Iran.
Participants were branch chiefs of provinces: Tehran, Kerman, Yazd, West Azerbaijan, East Azerbaijan, Ardabil, Guilan, Kurdistan, Lorestan, Khorasan, Fars, Kermanshah, Hamedan, IFK Iran Secretary, IFK Iran Chief Referee, and IFK Iran Board Members.


IFK Canada Seminar and Testing

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During two very hot days with temperatures reaching up to 37C, karateka from four dojos trained hard outdoors and indoors as well. We had participants from CKMA Vaughan and Barrie, Geminos Dojo, and Mississauga Kyokushin Dojo. In total, we had 40 participants in all ranks, from white belts to black belts.

The seminar covered all aspects of Kyokushin Karate: basics, forms, and fighting.

There were 16 karatekas who successfully tested for their new ranks and belts, including two new black belts from CKMA Vaughan Dojo.

The candidates for the black belt had to fight 20 consecutive fights and they were pushed to their limits!

In the end, everyone had a good time, learned a lot, and was happy to be able to train together during these difficult times.

We are hoping to have an even better and bigger seminar next year!

Keep up the Kyokushin Spirit!


Seminar of the IFK Uruguay

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On August 14-15, 2021 IFK Uruguay held a Seminar in the cities of Dolores and Mercedes, State of Soriano.

Training sessions for adults and children focused on details and corrections, aiming to improve each participants´ performance in the upcoming National Kata Tournament.

The event was organized by the State coordinator, Senpai Mario Hornos, and was technically led by Sensei Germán Carballo, IFK Uruguay Country Representative.

IFK Uruguay held a national seminar for instructors


On Sunday, July 24th, IFK Uruguay held a national seminar for instructors at the Hombu Dojo (Abumi Dojo).

Sensei German Carballo, the country representative, led 2 training sessions with a focus on improving and standardizing technical aspects of the IFK syllabus throughout the different dojos.

Participants included instructors from Montevideo, Canelones, Salto, and Soriano.


IFK Iran Kumite and Kata seminar - report


IFK Iran, Tehran branch organized a seminar in Kumite & Kata under the leadership of Shihan Vahidi, IFK representative in Iran.

Event: IFK Tehran Seminar (Kumite & Kata)

Date: 25 June 2021

Location: Imam Ali Sports Complex, Tehran, Iran

Organizer: Shihan Rasool Jalaiyan and Sensei Mahdi Jalaiyan (IFK Tehran)

Head Instructor:

Shihan Manouchehr Vahidi (IFK Representative in Iran)


Shihan Rasool Jalaiyan (IFK Tehran Branch Chief & IFK International Referee)

Sensei Mahdi Jalaiyan (IFK Tehran Head Coach and IFK International Medalist 2018 & 2019)

IFK Iran guests:

Shihan Hosein Parto (IFK Iran Secretary)

Sensei Mohammad Reza Vaziri (IFK Iran Board Member)

Shihan Sina Vahidi (IFK Iran Board Member)

Sensei Taher Shokri (IFK Iran Board Member)

Specialized Training Camp in Minusinsk 2021


On May 8-9, 2021, Minusinsk hosted a Specialised Kata Training Camp with Shihan Victor Fomin.

The organizer was the Kyokushin Karate Federation of the Krasnoyarsk Krai and the Republic of Khakassia (Shihan Alexander Brevnov). More than 40 athletes from Minusinsk, Abakan, Shirinsky region, and Tomsk region took part in the camp. The tasks of competitive preparation for the upcoming Kata Russia Championship were solved, including working out the details taking into account the meaning of combat techniques, improving their quality, and the overall energy of performing traditional forms.

Bushido Mon Spring Camp 2021

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On the 23rd–26th April 2021 near Moscow, Bushido Mon Spring Camp was held with Shihan Victor Fomin and Sensei Yulia Tseytlina.

Over 80 participants from Moscow, Penza, Tambov, Volgograd, and Zubova Polyana (Republic of Mordovia) trained in Kyokushin basics and kata on competition level with periodical bunkai self-defense explanations and testing of students' kata performances.

The Camp was completed with traditional grading from 10th–1st Kyus.

IFK Argentina Summer Camp 2021

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On March 12-13-14, 2021, IFK Argentina will host its Summer Camp

The seminar will be led by Shihan Julio Romero 6th Dan, IFK Kyokushin Representative in Argentina, and Sempai Jerónimo Romero 2nd Dan. It will take place at the facilities of the Banco Provincia La Plata Club, where the aforementioned Instructors teach classes (the 1st KWU Seminar in Argentina was held there, with Shihan Alexandr Pichkunov and Sensei Dmitry Saveliev).

Students from the City Bell Dojos (Banco Provincia Club); Dojo Villa Elisa and Dojos Lisandro Olmos will participate in the event.

Students and instructors from other organizations who wish to participate should contact the organizers ifkkyokushinargentina@gmail.com and julioromero.shihan@gmail.com.

Due to the circumstances, we live in, the places are limited.

The program will be carried out keeping the protocols indicated by the authorities of the Provincial and National Government. It includes special sessions for children, Kumite - kata, and an approach to the sports regulations of the different categories of children, youth, and adults. In this context, referee courses will also be held for the disciplines (Kata for children and adults, Kumite for children, Kumite for youth and adults).

Wishing soon this difficult time in the world to be overcome, and we will meet in courses and tournaments, we greet all colleagues from Argentina.


IFK Kyokushin Argentina

IFK Uruguay Summer Camp 2021

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The X IFK Uruguay Summer Camp to be held on March 5-7, 2021 in the Air Force Complex in Playa Hermosa, Maldonado, Uruguay and will be led by Sensei Germán Carballo.

For more information and participation, please contact Sensei Germán Carballo, email: gcarballo.ifkuruguay@gmail.com  and International contact: Claudia López, email: clopez.ifkuruguay@gmail.com

IFK Bulgaria Summer camp 2021

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IFK - Bulgaria will hold an International Kyokushin Summer camp “Primorsko 2021”., under the leadership of:

Shihan David Pickthall – 7 dan, President of IFK

Sensei Emma Markwell – 4 dan, World and European Kumite champion

The Camp will take place in MMC Primorsko, Bulgaria, from 01.07 to 08.07

For applications and additional information, please contact Shihan Nikola Blagoev CR IFK Bulgaria, on email: nikola_blagoev@abv.bg

2021 IFK Venezuela Summer Camp and Dan Test

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IFK Venezuela will hold a Summer Camp and Dan Test for September 25 & 26, 2021 with Instructors Shihan Julio Romero (IFK Argentina) and Sensei Jeovaldo Barreto (IFK Brazil). The camp is open to all international member who wants to participate.

On the poster is the preliminary info, costs can be provided to interested groups. Feel free to contact Senpai Hugo Luciani (IFK Venezuela CR) ifkvenezuela@gmail.com if you have any questions or concerns.

IFK Uruguay held a Referee training course


On October 17th, IFK Uruguay held a Referee training course, part of the annual ongoing training  agenda, with judges and referees attending from all Uruguayan regions, including Montevideo, Canelones, Soriano, Salto. 

The course focused on IFK Kata and Knockdown Kumite Rules and was led by Sensei Germán Carballo, IFK Uruguay Country Representative.

IFK Uruguay members from 1st kyu through 2nd Dan from all Uruguay Dojos took part of the training, thus ensuring unified criteria. 

The course was held at the Combat Sports Centre located in Montevideo.   

IFK Russia annual seminar for coaches

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The first annual seminar for the FKR-IFK coaching staff of the Southern and North Caucasus federal districts was held from July 10 to 12, 2020. This year, due to the situation with corona-virus infection, the seminar was held in compliance with all sanitary requirements. From July 10 to 12, 2020 in the Krasnodar region, instructors and senior students trained under the leadership of Shihan Alexei Bakhturov. Representatives of three regional organizations attended the classes. The seminar program was focused on the development of the basic technique of Kyokushin, error detection. The theoretical part of the training included analyzing the activities of regional organizations, identifying problems that need methodological support.

IFK Uruguay closes out 2019 with a review

How can we summarize a great year for a small Martial Arts organization?

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We accomplished the main goal of enhancing the training of all our instructors in every IFK technical area as well as with our referees to continue improving the work in the different competition modalities.

We had a competitor training at the highest level in San Paulo in a seminar led by the Russian Kumite National team Coach, Sensei Dimitry Savalyev, organized by IFK Brazil. Two months later, four of our instructors trained at the IFK World Seminar led by the highest ranks of our organization in the Papendal Olympic Complex in The Netherlands.

We held several national intensive weekend training sessions in Dolores and Mercedes as well as special sessions in Montevideo. We enjoyed yet another Summer Camp, the eight held in Uruguay, which by now has already become a classic. Trainings included sessions in the sand dunes, beach, forest and at night surrounding a fire; ending with the promotion of a new kuro obi.

Our National Team competed in five tournaments at national, regional and international level:
- April: IFK Kata World Tournament in Arnhem, organized by IFK Netherlands.
- May: Kanku Cap in Montevideo, organized by Kyokukaikan.
- August: 5th IFK Uruguay National Tournament in Montevideo, organized by IFK Uruguay.
- October: 4th South American Tournament in Valparaíso, organized by IFK Chile
- November: 1st Kenbukai Uruguay Tourament in Pinar, organized by Kenbukai Uruguay.

Lastly, we must highlight the achievement of many student that succeeded in their Kyu gradings during the six exam instances held in Soriano and Montevideo.

With the work and dedication of many, the essential support of our families and the collective spirit which is becoming stronger by the day, we are ready to start 2020 aiming for more.

For all of this, thank you very much to each one of you.

17th IFK Kuwait Seminar with Shihan Nick Da Costa 7th Dan

IFK Kuwait completed their 17th training camp with Shihan Nick Da Costa , held between the 5th to 7th of Dec 2019.

The experience and depth of knowledge which was presented contributed to having another successful camp for IFK Kuwait.

One of the IFK Kuwait members who went for grading during the 2019 black belt grading in the BKK Summer camp and was not successful did a second attempt during the seminar here in Kuwait, and as explained by Shihan in previous e-mail, we are glad he managed to pass this time.

Training with Hanshi Steve Arnail

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In the city of Crawley, which is located in the north-east of West Sussex county, 45 km south of London, the training was held in the Hanshi Steve Arneil dojo on the eve of the British Open / European Cup 2019. Hanshi was invited to held practice with some representatives of the IFK countries of Switzerland, Romania and Russia which took advantage of the master’s offer.

В городе Кроули, что расположен на северо-востоке графства Западный Суссекс в 45 км южнее Лондона, в додзе Ханши Стива Арнейла в преддверии Кубка Европы проходили финишные тренировки. Ханши пригласил потренироваться и предложением мастера воспользовались некоторые представители стран Швейцарии, Румынии и России. В мероприятии принял участие Президент WFKO - Шихан Александре Иванович Танюшкин 8 дан.

Zahari Damyanov UK seminar

On the 23rd February 2019, Sensei Zahari Damyanov, the current absolute World Champion was in London to lead an open seminar hosted by the BKK’s Sensei Hristo Lyubenov at his Ichi Geki dojo in Bounds Green, alongside BKK Chairman and IFK Secretary General, Shihan Liam Keaveney.

The seminar was attended by a number of Kyokushin groups (BKK, IFK, Kyokushin-kan, Shinkyokushin,IKO1, KWU, EMAR) all with a common goal of knowledge sharing, developing Kyokushinkai, and building strong friendships old and new.

(L-R) Shihan Liam Keaveney, Sensei Zahari Damyanov, Sensei Hristo Lyubenov

(L-R) Shihan Liam Keaveney, Sensei Zahari Damyanov, Sensei Hristo Lyubenov

Sensei Zarahi Damyanov with BKK National Coaches Sensei Kenny Jarvis, and Sensei Wai Cheung

Sensei Zarahi Damyanov with BKK National Coaches Sensei Kenny Jarvis, and Sensei Wai Cheung

KWU Seminars with IFK instructor

The KWU held training seminars across South America for the last few weeks with IFK Argentina, IFK Chile and IFK Brazil assisting with organising venues across the region. General Secretary Sensei Alexander Pichkunov and IFK Russia St Petersburg Instructor Sensei Dmitry Savelyev were invited to hold training sessions and meeting with representatives of KWU and other organisational heads in these countries.


From January 19 to January 21, 2019, for the first time, an open Kyokushin training seminar in Argentina was organised by Shihan Romero with the support of the KWU and National Federation ‘KWU Argentina’. This seminar was attended by the heads and athletes from Kyokushin organizations of Argentina, Colombia, Chile, and Peru in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Then Sensei Dmitry travelled to Chile to Senpai Caru and held sessions with both Chilean and Bolivian students from the 21st -24th January in Valparaiso.


 His final leg of the journey was to Sao Paulo, Brazil to IFK Rep Sensei Jeovaldo Barreto from 25th -27th January. This had a large turnout with many organisations and also students from IFK Uruguay willing to come together and work for a common goal.

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First special item 2019 agenda for IFK Uruguay

On Saturday January 26th 2019 kuro obis of Uruguay, including State representatives coming from Salto, Soriano and Canelones joined black belts from Montevideo to participate in the first special training session of 2019.


For over 3 hours, under the watchful eye of Sensei German Carballo, Country Representative of IFK Uruguay, kuro obis worked on stances, strikes and bunkai among other formal aspects of the IFK Syllabus.

On an international level, IFK Uruguay is being represented by Nicolas Dagys in the Kumite Seminar led by the Russian coach and world champion Sensei Dmitry Savelyev held in São Paulo, Brazil - part of the KWU South America trip.

2019 agenda continues with the referees training session, which will focus on IFK kumite rules -  activity scheduled for Februay 23rd; along with special ongoing sessions focused on kata for the national team who will compete in the IFK World Kata Tournment next April.