IFK Dan Promotions

We are pleased to announce that Shihan David Pickthall (IFK President) on behalf of the IFK Board announced the following Dan Promotions at K2 on 1st October 2022.

8th Dan

Alex Kerrigan and Liam Keaveney

6th Dan

Paul Baker, Martin Okeleke,

David Jones and John Moulden

5th Dan

Stephen Davies and Wai Cheung

The ceremony of awarding the new grades took place during the official opening of the 44th British Open Knockdown Tournament 2022 incorporating the 12th Cup of Europe at K2 Crawley on the 1st of October.

The event was the largest knockdown championship the BKK has hosted with 270 participants. We hope that the introduction of the youth categories will inspire future karateka. The Cup of Europe demonstrated that this pathway is how BKK will build athletes of the future with their Champions.

Congratulations! Osu!

2021 IFK Venezuela Summer Camp and Dan Test

Summer Camp IFK.png

IFK Venezuela will hold a Summer Camp and Dan Test for September 25 & 26, 2021 with Instructors Shihan Julio Romero (IFK Argentina) and Sensei Jeovaldo Barreto (IFK Brazil). The camp is open to all international member who wants to participate.

On the poster is the preliminary info, costs can be provided to interested groups. Feel free to contact Senpai Hugo Luciani (IFK Venezuela CR) ifkvenezuela@gmail.com if you have any questions or concerns.

The IFK announce promotions in the UK

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Here’s the message from IFK Founder Hanshi Steve Arneil:

Normally the promotions of our members to Yondan and above are carried out at our prestigious events. Due to the unprecedented time of a global pandemic, we cannot gather together, so I have taken the decision to announce the 2020 promotions via our website.

I wish to announce the promotions of the following karateka:

  • Shihan Maria Da Costa 6th Dan

  • Shihan Norman King 5th Dan

  • Shihan Clara Akpokomua 5th Dan

  • Sensei Emma Markwell 4th Dan

I apologize deeply due to the pandemic I am unable to meet with you and present your award in person. I thank you all for all your hard work and dedication over the years.

