IFK Uruguay Summer Camp 2021

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The X IFK Uruguay Summer Camp to be held on March 5-7, 2021 in the Air Force Complex in Playa Hermosa, Maldonado, Uruguay and will be led by Sensei Germán Carballo.

For more information and participation, please contact Sensei Germán Carballo, email: gcarballo.ifkuruguay@gmail.com  and International contact: Claudia López, email: clopez.ifkuruguay@gmail.com

IFK Bulgaria Summer camp 2021

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IFK - Bulgaria will hold an International Kyokushin Summer camp “Primorsko 2021”., under the leadership of:

Shihan David Pickthall – 7 dan, President of IFK

Sensei Emma Markwell – 4 dan, World and European Kumite champion

The Camp will take place in MMC Primorsko, Bulgaria, from 01.07 to 08.07

For applications and additional information, please contact Shihan Nikola Blagoev CR IFK Bulgaria, on email: nikola_blagoev@abv.bg

2021 IFK Venezuela Summer Camp and Dan Test

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IFK Venezuela will hold a Summer Camp and Dan Test for September 25 & 26, 2021 with Instructors Shihan Julio Romero (IFK Argentina) and Sensei Jeovaldo Barreto (IFK Brazil). The camp is open to all international member who wants to participate.

On the poster is the preliminary info, costs can be provided to interested groups. Feel free to contact Senpai Hugo Luciani (IFK Venezuela CR) ifkvenezuela@gmail.com if you have any questions or concerns.

K-1 legends Semmy Schilt and Peter Aerts welcome fighters to professional masterclasses


Fighters from all over the world will have the amazing opportunity to take part in the upcoming training camp of KWU International Professional League!

They will train under the guidance of the K-1 legends Semmy Schilt and Peter Aerts.

This amazing event will take place in Sofia, Bulgaria on February 25-28 amid the 7th edition of the elite fight nights SENSHI.

Schilt is 4-time K-1 Grand Prix champion and Aerts is 3-time K-1 Grand Prix champion, both have dozen world and European titles in kickboxing and Muay Thai.


Accommodation, food, and PCR tests upon arriving will be at the expense of the KWU International Professional League.

Another major names from the world of kickboxing and K-1 – Alexandr Pichkunov, the general secretary of the Kyokushin World Union (KWU), who is also finalist in K-1 Grand Prix in 2007 and 2008. The Russian is a bronze medalist form a Karate Kyokushin World championship in 2005.

He’s a silver medalist from the Russian Kyokushin championship in 2004 and winner of the Russian Kyokushin cup in 2001.


The Czech Republic’s Jan Soukup – European Kyokushin champion and an “All-Japan” winner, will also be part of the camp.

There is just few days left before the end date for sending application for participating.

Don’t miss the amazing opportunity to learn from legends.


You can send your applications to kwunion2011@gmail.com until February 15. Accommodation, food, and PCR tests upon arriving will be at the expense of the KWU International Professional League.


The idea of the Executive Director of KWU International Professional League and Chairman of the National combat sports association in Bulgaria – Shihan Ivo Kamenov is for the training camps to be held more frequently in 2021. As of now, five more events are being planned.

Any IFK fighters who are wishing to participate in the Camp, must get permission from their country representative and complete the application form

Ivo Kamenov, Chairman of Bulgaria’s National Association of Combat Sports and Chairman of KWU International Professional League

Ivo Kamenov, Chairman of Bulgaria’s National Association of Combat Sports and Chairman of KWU
International Professional League

Camp program:



IFK Belgium Winter camp 2020

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IFK Belgium hosted their winter camp under the guidance of Shihan Andrew Turner and Shihan Janine Davies.

Students from Belgium, France, Germany, and Spain. The camp focused on all aspects of the IFK and had a grading test and fights for Sandan, Nidan and Shodan. Congratulations to all that were successful.

Thanks to the work of Shihan Etienne van Holt , Shihan Benny Gelyukens and Sensei Dave Geentjens for organising the camp.

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IFK Uruguay closes out 2019 with a review

How can we summarize a great year for a small Martial Arts organization?

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We accomplished the main goal of enhancing the training of all our instructors in every IFK technical area as well as with our referees to continue improving the work in the different competition modalities.

We had a competitor training at the highest level in San Paulo in a seminar led by the Russian Kumite National team Coach, Sensei Dimitry Savalyev, organized by IFK Brazil. Two months later, four of our instructors trained at the IFK World Seminar led by the highest ranks of our organization in the Papendal Olympic Complex in The Netherlands.

We held several national intensive weekend training sessions in Dolores and Mercedes as well as special sessions in Montevideo. We enjoyed yet another Summer Camp, the eight held in Uruguay, which by now has already become a classic. Trainings included sessions in the sand dunes, beach, forest and at night surrounding a fire; ending with the promotion of a new kuro obi.

Our National Team competed in five tournaments at national, regional and international level:
- April: IFK Kata World Tournament in Arnhem, organized by IFK Netherlands.
- May: Kanku Cap in Montevideo, organized by Kyokukaikan.
- August: 5th IFK Uruguay National Tournament in Montevideo, organized by IFK Uruguay.
- October: 4th South American Tournament in Valparaíso, organized by IFK Chile
- November: 1st Kenbukai Uruguay Tourament in Pinar, organized by Kenbukai Uruguay.

Lastly, we must highlight the achievement of many student that succeeded in their Kyu gradings during the six exam instances held in Soriano and Montevideo.

With the work and dedication of many, the essential support of our families and the collective spirit which is becoming stronger by the day, we are ready to start 2020 aiming for more.

For all of this, thank you very much to each one of you.

17th IFK Kuwait Seminar with Shihan Nick Da Costa 7th Dan

IFK Kuwait completed their 17th training camp with Shihan Nick Da Costa , held between the 5th to 7th of Dec 2019.

The experience and depth of knowledge which was presented contributed to having another successful camp for IFK Kuwait.

One of the IFK Kuwait members who went for grading during the 2019 black belt grading in the BKK Summer camp and was not successful did a second attempt during the seminar here in Kuwait, and as explained by Shihan in previous e-mail, we are glad he managed to pass this time.

IFK Uruguay Summer Camp 2019

The 8th Uruguay Summer Camp was held in the Military Vacation facilities in Salinas on March 15, 16 & 17.
The Summer Camp was organized by the Uruguayan Kyokushin Kai Association A.K.K.U., and technically led by Sensei Germán Carballo 4th Dan (Uruguay IFK Country Representative).

With over 30 participants, all the dojos from Uruguay were present, including students and instructors from Montevideo, Canelones, Soriano and Salto.

Nine trainings took place focusing on technique as well as physical conditioning and strengthening in several different locations including the beach (both in the water and sand), the woods, as well as indoor. A special technical training for advanced grades (as from 3rd kyu) was held covering advanced katas.

As usual, the Camp included KYU and KURO OBI (1st dan) gradings, the 20-kumite challenge for Kuro Obis who successfully obtained their 1st dan during 2018, and the addition of the 25-kumite challenge for Ni Dans.


As an organization, A.K.K.U. is proud to present the new grades: 

- Clara Monteiro (Red 10th Kyu)

- Victoria Villano (Blue 8th Kyu)

- Agustina Latorre (Blue 8th Kyu)

- Juliana Latorre (Blue 8th Kyu)

- Mauricio Nesteruk (Blue 7th Kyu) 

- Fátima Parra (Yellow 6th Kyu)

- Oscar Pricoli (Yellow 6th Kyu)

- Gabriel Fernandez (Yellow 6th Kyu)

- Juan Pablo Bianchi (Green 4th Kyu)

- Guzman Centurión (Green 3rd Kyu)

- César Acosta (Black 1st Dan)

The kuro obis (1st Dan) who succeeded in the 20 Kumite challenge during the camp were as follows: 

- Senpai Alvaro Nuñez

- Senpai Gonzalo Bentancur

- Senpai César Acosta

Kuro Obis (2nd Dan) who succeeded in the 25 Kumite challenge were:

- Senpai Noelia Fabre
- Senpai Santiago Mosco  

 A.K.K.U. would like to thank the everyone's effort to be a part of this event.


KWU Seminars with IFK instructor

The KWU held training seminars across South America for the last few weeks with IFK Argentina, IFK Chile and IFK Brazil assisting with organising venues across the region. General Secretary Sensei Alexander Pichkunov and IFK Russia St Petersburg Instructor Sensei Dmitry Savelyev were invited to hold training sessions and meeting with representatives of KWU and other organisational heads in these countries.


From January 19 to January 21, 2019, for the first time, an open Kyokushin training seminar in Argentina was organised by Shihan Romero with the support of the KWU and National Federation ‘KWU Argentina’. This seminar was attended by the heads and athletes from Kyokushin organizations of Argentina, Colombia, Chile, and Peru in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Then Sensei Dmitry travelled to Chile to Senpai Caru and held sessions with both Chilean and Bolivian students from the 21st -24th January in Valparaiso.


 His final leg of the journey was to Sao Paulo, Brazil to IFK Rep Sensei Jeovaldo Barreto from 25th -27th January. This had a large turnout with many organisations and also students from IFK Uruguay willing to come together and work for a common goal.

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IFK Bulgaria Summer Camp 2018 held in Primorsko

IFK Bulgaria hosted their Summer Camp in Primorsko by the Black Sea from the 27th June to 4th July with approximately 150 students attending the course, led in the main by Shihan David Pickthall with instruction also from Country Representative Nikola Blagoev and also guest fighting sessions from Senpai Aneta Meskauskiene of IFK Ireland.

We also had Romanian students attending including CR Sensei Christian Hirsch and Irish representation from Senpai Emilia Cahill and family, and Senpai Maciej Solarski of KWF Ireland

IFK Kuwait 15th training camp with Shihan Terry Prescott

We have completed our 15th training camp with Shihan Terry Prescott, it was held between the 8th to 10th of March 2018.

The level of techniques and spirit which Shihan Terry gave made this camp another successful camp of IFK Kuwait.

We are very proud to be instructed by Shihan Terry from the BKK and we look forward for more training with him in the near future.

IFK Poland 23rd Winter Camp held on 16th to 18th February

IFK Poland held their 23rd Winter Camp with Vice President Shihan David Pickthall with Country Rep Sensei Dariusz Struski from the 16-18 February in Rzeszow.


Karateka from Poland IFK and Shinkyokushin and also visitors from Israel and Belarus took part in the camp that focused on all elements for the IFK. Thanks go to Sensei Jan Wac for organising the event

Happy 25th Anniversary IFK Ukraine

IFK Ukraine their celebrated their 25th anniversary with a seminar at the headquarters in Kiev. 

Country representative Shihan Oleg Sereda invited international instructors to the event with Vice President Shihan David Pickthall leading the main sessions with the assistance of Shihan Andrew Turner GB and Shihan Dmitry Aleknovich Belarus.

There was also a successful dan test and of a superb celebration meal in a traditional Ukrainian restaurant.

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On 2-9 July 2017 the biggest in the World, International Kyokushin Summer Camp was held.

Nearly 1300 participants, representing IFK, Kan, KWF and AKR, were accommodated in six hotels and practiced at the Kamchiya Sports Center. The opening of the camp was made by: Sports Minister of Bulgaria Krasen Kralev, shihan Andre Drewniak, shihan Dawid Pickthall and shihan Ivo Kamenov (main organizer). The program included two obligatory training sessions per day, at 8am and 6pm.

The participants were grouped as follows: black belts, brown and green belts, yellow and blue belts, children and a separate group of fighters. Volunteers could also take part in a Iaido sword training.

Training sessions for black and brown belts were run daily by shihan A. Drewniak (KWF) and shihan D. Pickthall (IFK). World champions Zahari Damyanov (Kan) and Sergey Plekhanov (KWF) as well as other Bulgarian masters, such as shihan Asen Asenov, shihan Marin Mitev, sensei Nikolay Rachev and senpai Petar Martinov, led sessions for the sports group and others.

Shihan Ramil Gabbasov conducted daily training classes for 80 international KWU judges.

The Professional Grand Prix of Bulgaria was held on 5 July. The President of WFKO Aleksander Tanyushkin from Moscow opened the event and the main judge was shihan Andrey Bura. Fighters fought five rounds of 2 minutes each, with a minute’s rest. The first match was won by Aleksander Drozd (Russia) who defeated Andrey Andreev (Bulgaria). The second one was won by Nikolay Yorgov (Bulgaria) who defeated Naoki Morita (Japan). The organizer was the Kyokushin Bulgarian Federation led by shihan I. Kamenov.

Shihan Hatsuo Royama came at the end of the camp to take part in the International Youth Tournament, dan exams and a farewell photo session.

On 7 July was held the International KWU Youth Tournament “Varna Cup” with the participation of about 130 fighters from 16 countries. The main judge was shihan R. Gabbasov and it was opened by shihan A. Drewniak on the behalf of KWU. Prizes were given by shihan H. Royama, shihan A. Drewniak, shihan M. Mitev and sensei N. Rachev. The event was organized by the Bulgarian Kyokushin Federation headed by shihan I. Kamenov.

On 8 July dan examinations were held, supervised by Shihan H. Royama and shihan A. Drewniak.

In the evening the official closure of the camp and a photo session took place in which participated shihan H. Royama and shihan A. Drewniak, as well as all leading instructors. Late in the evening in Varna a Sayonara party for about 400 adult participants was organized in the Rappongi Restaurant.

3rd IFK Tunisia seminar with Shihan David Pickthall and Sensei Moss Ageli

IFK Tunisia hosted the 3rd seminar under the guidance of Shihan David Pickthall and Sensei Moss Ageli.


The Seminar was split into three regions with sessions held in Sousse, Tunis and finishing in Kairouan course with a grading test.  All seminars were well attended with between 120-180 students in each.

Thanks must go to Country representative Sensei Fethi Nasra and his team who worked tirelessly to make the seminars a great success.

IFK Kuwait 11th Camp with Shihan Felix Ntumazah

We have completed the IFK Kuwait annual camp with Shihan Felix Ntumazah.

The camp was excellent, and Shihan Felix did everything possible to introduce to us his method of training and fighting strategy.  The camp included different groups and other martial arts. 

We also held All IFK juniors and girls sessions.

IFK Belarus Spring Seminar, and Budo Festival

IFK Belarus hosted their spring seminar with Shihan David Pickthall and conducted a Budo Festival in the city of Brest.

Over one thousand students took part over the three day seminar focusing on kihon, kata and kumite sessions. 

The Budo Festival was managed by Country Representative Dmitry Alehnovich who had seven hundred participants in their mass demonstration. The event also feature many of the different arts in the region and the Police and Army did combat demos with Kyokushin instructors.

Shihan Eddy Gabathuler was also a guest along with Country reps Shihan Oleg Sereda (Ukraine) and Sensei Dariusz Struski (Poland). Shihan Franz Slavinsky was their representing Russia and Vladimirs Talapins (Latvia)., including students form these countries at the seminar.

Uruguay Summer Camp 2017 with Shihan David Pickthall

The 6th Uruguay Summer Camp was held in Salinas Montevideo from the 10th-12th March under the instruction of Shihan David Pickthall. 

Participants from all the Uruguayan dojos attended along with the Country Representatives of Brazil Jeovaldo Barreto and Chile German Caru. Also in attendance was the VP of IFK Canada Jonathan Hemond and Planning committee member Pascal Hemond. Several students from these countries participated and it was good to see former Brazilian Champion and participant from the 5th World Tournament Shihan Luiz Feitoza train in the seminar. Its been 26 years since Shihan Pickthall and Feitoza fought in Japan together and the Brazilian fighters are certainly fortunate to have Shihan Luiz prepare them for our upcoming World Tournament in Romania.

The camp featured sessions in all aspects of the IFK and finished with a dan test for the Chile participants.

Thanks must go to Sensei German Carballo for organising such a good camp with his team of Noelia Carballo, Rocio Gonzalez, Santiago Mosco and Claudia Lopez.