Polish Winter Camp 2017 with Shihan Alexei Gorokhov

The Polish Winter Camp took place in Luneia from 17th to 19th February. Shihan Alexei Gorokhov was the instructor for the fighting camp, which was attended by about 50 Karatekas from Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Switzerland. Organisations: IFK and Shinkyokushin

Country Representative Sensei Dariusz Struski was joined by Swiss Representative and IFK Board member Shihan Eddy Gabathuler and Belarus Country rep Dmitry Alechnovich in participating in this camp.

IFK Belgium Winter Camp 2017

The IFK Belgium Wintercamp was held in Kasterlee from 10-12 February under the guidance of Shihan David Pickthall and Shihan Janine Davies with the assistance of Country Representative Shihan Etienne van Holt and Sutani Dojo Leader Shihan Benny Gelyukens.

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Our thanks go out to the karateka from Belgium IFK, Shinkyokushin and Rengokai as well as IFK Germany, IFK Bolivia and IFK France who participated in the camp which focused on elements of Kihon, kata and Kumite.

There was a grading test at the camp. Congratulations go to Sensei Hans Broeckart 3 Dan, Senpai An Beyers and Kevin van Holt 2 Dan and Senpai Jelle Strybosch, Tine Beyers and Erwin Hoebus 1st Dans.   Sensei Dave Geentjens was also promoted to 4th Dan. Well done to all.

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Between 28 to 29 January 2017 held IFK ROMANIAN - Sibiu SPARRING SESSION and KUMITE NATIONAL CAMP.

The goal of this event was to prepare IFK ROMANIAN Team for ''KWU European Championship for Children and Youth 2017- Berlin, Germany'' , 5th IFK Kyokushin World Tournament 2017 - Sibiu, Romania and KWU World Championship 2017 - Tokyo, Japan.

The event was attended by fighters from 7 cities of the country.

IFK ROMANIA wishes to thank them for participating fighters from Urban Samurai Dojo (WKO Shinkyokushin) and Hachiman Dojo (IKO Romania)

At the end of the event, also held IFK ROMANIA meeting for organize 5th IFK World Tournament 2017 - Sibiu, Romania.

14th Annual Summer Camp 2017 with Shihan David Pickthall

This weekend the 14th Annual Australian Summer Camp was held in Sydney under the guidance for Shihan David Pickthall.



Over 50 students attended during the three days of intensive training focusing on Kihon, Kata and Kumite.

We thank Shihan Jim Phillips, Sensei’s Graeme Rose, Daniel Langworthy and Senpai,s Cesar Cabrera, Rodney Eve,Ben Vale, Shaun Buchanan plus their students for supporting this IFK Australia event.

All of the IFK Board were in attendance with Country Representative Jenny Fuller, Shihan Doug Turnbull and Shihan Shaharin Yussof organising the camp.

Russian IFK Summer Camp 2016 report and video highlights

IFK Russia hosted their Summer Camp in Moscow on the 8th to 12th July under the direction of Hanshi Steve Arneil with the assistance of Shihan David Pickthall, country representative Alexander Taniushkin and Shihan Victor Fomin.


165 Karateka participated in the camp which is aimed towards the regional heads and many of the key organisers from Russia.

Hanshi focused on using various IFK teaching methods for kihon and kata and bunkai. Shihan Pickthall worked on kumite and kata training  plus sessions with students attempting dan grades.

There was also a presentation and session on Kyokushin Kick from Shihan Stanislav Vinokurov from Khabarovsk region, aimed at developing Kyokushin athletes into K-1 and MMA fighters.

As always the camp was organised superbly and thanks go out to Sensei Dmitry Shaposhnikov and the organizing team for their tremendous work.

Highlights of Kyokushin Summer School FCR -2016 in Moscow. #Kyokushin #Kyokushinkai #SteveArneil #IFK

A successful 3rd IFK World Black Belt Seminar - family from all across the globe

The 3rd IFK World Black Belt Seminar took place between 27th April and 1st May at the famous Papendal Olympic Sports Centre in the Netherlands.

Hanshi Steve Arneil along with his instructors Shihan's David Pickthall, Liam Keaveney, Alexander Taniushkin, Eddy Gabathuler, Janine Davies, Victor Fomin and Alexey Gorokhov hosted sessions on Kihon, Kata, Kumite and Weapons along with guest classes in BJJ and Krav Maga.  Additionally, special guest instructor Shihan Semmy Schilt joined the group.

175 black belts from 21 countries participated with a final-day "kyu grade" open day.

Countries included:
Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Great Britain, Germany, Israel, Iran, the Netherlands, Nepal, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Switzerland, Ukraine, Uruguay, USA.

The IFK want to thank the organising team led by Sensei Kevin van der Boor who have done a tremendous job to make this event run smoothly.

More pictures on our Facebook page

World Black Belt Seminar, April 30th 2016, Papendal Holland

Weekend seminar in Sarnen, Switzerland with Shihan David Pickthall and Klaus Ming

Shihan Klaus Ming and the Obwalden dojo arranged a weekend seminar in Sarnen under the instruction of Shihan David Pickthall.
145 karateka including 44 black belts from 16 IFK dojo's and 3 Shinkyokushin dojos participated in sessions focusing on Kumite and Kata.

Kazakhstan Winter Camp 2016

IFK Kazakhstan held their winter camp this year at Almaty. under the guidance of Shihan David Pickthall.

Organised by country rep Sensei Igor Shipilov and area representative Sensei Sergey Radchenko, there was attendance of students from Kazakhstan, Russia and Kyrgyzstan focusing on different aspects of Kihon and Kata.

IFK Australia Summer Camp 2016

IFK – Australia Summer Camp Friday 22nd to Sunday 24th January 2016

We had a great time at the recent IFK-Australia Summer Camp with Shihan David Pickthall from the UK taking 3 days of great karate. Covering areas of Kihon, Kata and Kumite, with around 60 people attending the camp over the 3 days. 

What a treat to train with such a talented and inspirational Karateka such as Shihan David Pickthall. Again the highlight of the camp was the beach session on the Sunday morning we all had a lot of fun.

Again it is great to see other Kyokushin Organisations supporting this event, thank you to Sensei Daniel Trifu from (KWF) AFK, Sensei Graeme Rose “Rengokai”, Sensei Daniel Langworthy and Shihan Trevor Trainer and for bringing along your students. As we are all working towards a United Kyokushin! Osu and thank you for your support.

 Can’t wait for the camp again next year, OSU!”

Two new 7th Dan promotions at Swiss Summer Camp with Hanshi

Congratulations to country representative Shihan Eduard Gabathuler and Shihan Klaus Ming on promotion by Hanshi Steve Arneil to the rank of 7th Dan at the Swiss summer camp. Well done to all other yudansha who received promotions.

The camp was held in Willisua under the guidance of Hanshi Steve Arneil and the IFK Switzerland chief instructors.  It was a successful camp focusing on all aspects of IFK kihon kata and kumite. Thanks to all other IFK countries that also took part.

The 1st Full Contact Karate Camp - history in the making

The 1st Full Contact Karate Camp, open to all participants of contact karate, was held in Ostende Belgium 5-7 June, and organised by Shihan Keon Spitaels and Shihan Gilbert Cleveringa of WKO Shinkyokushin.

The Camp had over 400 karateka from 19 different countries and was supported by the IFK from Poland, Ireland, The Netherlands, France, Germany, Switzerland, UK and Belgium.


The Camp instructors were:

Shihan Kenji Midori - President WKO Shinkyokushin

Shihan David Pickthall - Vice President IFK

Shihan Dave Jonkers - Head of AIKO Ashihara

Shihan Koen Spitaels - Belgium WKO Representative

Shihan Jan Bulow - Danish WKO Representative

Shihan Semmy Schilt - multi time K-1 Champion AIKO Ashihara

Sensei Jonathan Tineo - multi time Champion Spanish All Japan Union (Rengokai)

Shihan Lu Eekhaut - Belgium All Japan Union Representative

Shihan Gilbert Cleveringa - Dutch WKO Representative

Shihan Jesus Talan - Spanish WKO Representative

Remigiusz Kapinski - Polish WKO Representative

Many other Shihans were in attendance including IFK Swiss CR Shihan Eddy Gabathuler, Shihan Koi and Sensei Watanabe from Japan, EKO President Shihan Koen Scharrenburg and the grading panel of EKO Shinkyokushin.



Australian Summer Camp with Shihan Pickthall

The IFK Australia hosted their Summer Camp in Sydney from 23rd-25th January under the guidance of Shihan David Pickthall.  There were 10 sessions covering aspects of the IFK Syllabus, Kata and Kumite plus beach training. This open event was also supported by senior instructors of other Kyokushin groups.

Thanks go to Shihan Doug Turnbull and Senseis Shaharin Yussof and Jenny Fuller for all their hard work organising the event.

Another great British Summer camp held in Felsted, Essex

Hanshi and his team of top BKK instructors held another successful adult and junior summer camp in Felsted, Essex.

Students were taken through kihon and bunkai and kumite.  An evening seminar with our Italian country representative Sensei Andrea Stoppa on basic BJJ skills.

A national and camp grading was also held for those attempting high grades including the promotion of three new third dans.