IFK Uruguay instructors received their Kuro Obi belts and certificates

On Sunday June 20th, 2021, two IFK Uruguay instructors received their international Kuro Obi belts and certificates, Senpai Mario Hornos as Ni Dan and Senpai Claudia López as Shodan.

The ceremony was led by Sensei Germán Carballo, IFK Uruguay Country Representative with the participation of Senpai Santiago Mosco.

Having instructors from different dojos and states receiving their official grades together strengthens IFK Uruguay´s goal of becoming one big Kyokushin family, disregarding where you are located.


4 Shihans received new belts from the hands of Hanshi Steve Arneil

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October 5, 2019 in Crawley, United Kingdom, during the opening ceremony of the 43rd British Open / 11th Cup of Europe, Hanshi Steve Arneil - President of the IFK, 10.Dan - handed belts to heads of Russian Kyokushin organization: Shihan Alexander Tanyushkin received a belt and a certificate for 8.Dan, Shihan Mikhail Gyach, and Shihan Andrei Bura 7. Dan.

Also, Shihan Mike Monaco IFK USA being promoted to 8.Dan

Who else got their Black belts on official ceremony, you can see here: