IFK Aruba Spring Kyokushin Camp - 2024

Sensei Zairo Ruiz & Senpai Brian Marchena (IFK Aruba) welcomed Shihan Sean Schenker (USA IFK) & Senpai Jonathan Gonzalez (IFK Costa Rica) to lead the 2024 Aruba Spring training camp. Approximately 50 students of all kyu ranks attended this year's 4-day camp. Hard work, sweat, brother/sisterhood, memorable locations and detailed IFK training were part of the overall experience. The three integral pillars of the IFK (Kihon, Kata, Kumite) were all covered in detail and dedicated to the spirit of the IFK.

Shihan Sean Schenker (5th dan) conveyed his experience on our beautiful island and the enthusiasm which he could feel from all participants at the camp which he led together with multiple International Kyokushin tournaments champion Senpai Jonathan Gonzalez.

The camp ended with Shihan Schenker, Sensei Zairo & Senpai Brian greeting Mr. Jan Hendrik (Endy) Croes, Minister of Education & Sports of Aruba, each receiving the prestigious 4D medal of Aruba from the minister himself:

  • Desire

  • Dedication

  • Discipline

  • Determination

Organized by Tokon Dojo, this was the camp’s second year of many more to come. Our gratitude goes to Sensei Zairo Ruiz (Country Representative IFK Aruba and main instructor Tokon Dojo Aruba) and Senpai Brian Marchena (Instructor Tokon Dojo Aruba) for putting together another amazing camp!

Special thanks to Shihan Monaco for his guidance in opening the doors of the IFK to all. The USA IFK appreciated the opportunity to share with such an incredible dojo in Aruba, and we continue to look forward to making more Kyokushin memories together in the future.  OSU!


IFK Aruba Training Camp 2023

Shihan Monaco led an inspiring 4-day camp this past weekend in Aruba at the Tokan IFK Dojo. The training consisted of multiple training sessions in the IFK Aruba Tokan dojo, on the beach for morning sunrise & sunset sessions, cliff sessions, in the water ocean training, IFK Kihon, Kata, Syllabus and Kumite. Shihan Sean Schenker & Shihan Jerry Poe assisted with the amazing training camp, (along with Shihan Lacie of Aruba) and the students of Aruba gave it their all & showed incredible hospitality to the USA IFK.

The camp ended on Sunday with a fantastic grading where 3 students all received promotion:

Sensei Zairo Ruiz (3rd Dan)

Senpai Greg Helder (1st Dan)

Derek Schenker (3rd Kyu)

Thank you to Sensei Zairo & Senpai Brian and the Tokan students and families for their warm welcome & generosity of spirit and time.