IFK Chile Summer Camp 2023

IFK Chile hosted their Summer Camp from 17-19 February in Casablanca under the guidance of Shihan David Pickthall.

IFK members from Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Uruguay, and Chile participated in the camp and had eight sessions that concentrated on all aspects of the IFK curriculum.

At the grading, there were promotions for:
Sensei German Caru Chile 3rd Dan
Sensei Oscar Sanabria Colombia 3rd Dan
Sensei Fernando Rios Chong Peru 3rd Dan
Senpai Abraham Meruvia Morales 2nd Dan
Senpai Jose Meruvia Morales 2nd Dan
Senpai Catalina Silva Reyes 1st Dan

Congratulations! Osu!

Belgium Winter Camp 2023

On 17-19 February 2023, the BFKK held its annual Winter camp with Shihan Janine Davies and Shihan Wai Cheung as guest instructors. More than 80 karatekas from Belgium, the Netherlands, and Germany attended the camp.

Under Shihan Janine, the camp focused on increasing the participants’ technical standards, and Shihan Wai’s insight into body mechanics and movement matched this goal perfectly. This made the camp interesting for both novices, advanced students, and instructors, who all got a lot of new material to work with.

Students from several dojo’s also attempted a grading during the camp, and the BFKK can proudly announce 2 new 9th Kyus, 3 new 8th Kyus, 1 new 7th Kyu, 3 new 6th Kyus, 10 new 4th Kyus, 1 new 2nd Kyu, 3 new 1st Kyus, 1 new Nidan and 1 new Sandan.

Congratulations to all who passed the grading and to the Dojos involved!

Dutch summer camp 2023

Dear shihans, sensei's and senpai's,

After a great anniversary summer camp last year we would like to invite you again for the Dutch summer camp!

The camp will be organized at Papendal, the location of the last black belt seminar and kata world championships. The camp will start on June 30th and finish on the 2nd of July. We would like to invite you all to celebrate together. Last year our summer camp had 150 participants from The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Germany, Belgium and Switzerland. The guest instructors on the camp will be Shihan Janine Davies and senpai Jonas Rosin!

We hope to welcome many of you (again) in The Netherlands at Papendal.

All information can be found here: https://www.nka-ifk.nl/zomerkamp

Best regards,

Roel Noordman

Country representative IFK Netherlands

IFK Uruguay Seminar - January 2023

The first seminar of 2023 IFK Uruguay annual training agenda for instructors was held on Saturday Jan 21 at the Hombu Dojo - Abumi Dojo-. Attendees included instructors from Montevideo, Mercedes, Salto, Palmitas, Cardona and San Carlos

Next session will be held during the XII IFK Uruguay Summer Camp, on March 2-5, 2023 in Salinas, Canelones.   

IFK World Black Belt Seminar 2023

The IFK World Black Belt Seminar will be held in Yerevan, Armenia after the European Championships on 24th -26th April 2023.

The Seminar will have IFK President Shihan David Pickthall, Board Member Shihan Eddy Gabathuler and Head of IFK Kata Shihan Janine Davies.

On the 26th April the IFK Dan Test will take place. All applicants for the Dan test must complete their paperwork and submit it through their Country Representative to office@ifk-kyokushin.com no later than one month before.

IFK-DAN Seminar 2023 in Switzerland

On Saturday, January 7th, 2023, the annual DAN-Seminar took place in the Dojo Wohlen. After many varied and exciting seminars, this year it was time to put the focus back on our roots - the basic techniques of the examination program. More than 40 Yudansha's of IFK Switzerland accepted the invitation to spend a day intensively dealing with the basic pillars of Kyokushinkai Karate.

After a brief theoretical introduction, we quickly got down to business. In the morning, Shihan Anton Gansner, 6th DAN, discussed techniques and levels of the Kihon, explained functions, eliminated errors that had crept in over the years and fine-tuned subtleties. After the lunch break, under the direction of Shihan Eddy Gabathuler, 7th DAN, attention was paid to the Ippon- and Sanbonkumites as well as some Renraku's and their use in partner exercises. At the end, difficult and critical points were shown in the katas by Shihan Dolores Emmenegger and Shihan André Emmenegger, both 5th DAN, and the correct applications were conveyed.

It was a very instructive day and everyone present took away a lot of old and new knowledge with the hope that they would pass this on to their students in the dojo.

We would like to thank our highly motivated instructors for the valuable knowledge transfer and that we were able to carry out the DAN seminar in the dojo of the Wohlen Karate Club - OSU.

IFK Bulgaria International Summer Camp 2022

IFK - Bulgaria will hold an International Kyokushin Summer camp “Primorsko 2022”., under the leadership of:

Shihan David Pickthall – 7 dan, President of IFK

Sensei Emma Markwell – 4 dan, World and European Kumite champion

The Camp will take place in MMC Primorsko, Bulgaria, from 01.07 to 08.07.2022

Application for participation has also been submitted by: IFK Switzerland - Shihan Edi Gabathuler, 7th dan, Board member of IFK; IFK Romania with CR Sensei Christian Hirsch, 4th dan; IFK Poland, led by Shihan Jan Wac, 5th dan.

For additional information, please contact Shihan Nikola Blagoev CR IFK Bulgaria, on email: nikola_blagoev@abv.bg

IFK Swiss Kyokushinkai 19th Budo Training Day

On Saturday, May 21, 2022, Shihan Eddy Gabathuler, 7th Dan, organized the 19th day of Budo training, which was held in the gym in Felsberg.

The training was structured as follows: 09:30 to 11:30 kihon and test combinations in groups, 12:30 to 14:30 katas in groups, and 16:30 to 17:00 fight training and fights in three groups. These were divided into over and under 16-year-olds, whereby the under 16-year-olds were divided into two groups (white belt up to 7th kyu and from 6th kyu). The following karatekas served as instructors:

Shihan Klaus Ming, 7th DAN

Shihan Toni Gansner, 5th DAN

Shihan Roland Juric, 5th DAN

Sensei Rolf Imhof, 4th DAN

Sensei Fritz Trautmann, 3rd DAN

Senpai Claudia Schlegel, 1st DAN

A total of 96 karatekas from 10 dojos of IFK Switzerland Kyokushinkai took part in the training sessions. We thank the instructors and the karatekas for their numerous appearance and their sweaty effort. We hope that they will again participate in large numbers in 2023 – OSU.

Virtual Knockdown Referees/Judges Course

Virtual Knockdown Referees/Judges Course

Saturday 14th May 2022, 1pm - 4pm (UK Time)

On Zoom meeting – The course is FREE!!!!! There is a limited number (50) that can attend so apply as soon as possible.

Please email Shihan Andrew with your name, grade, IFK country, and qualification at the address below to reserve a place. Zoom codes will follow.

Shihan Alex Kerrigan 7th Dan, Email: amk.chief1950@gmail.com

Shihan Andrew Turner: Mobile: 07974 094925, Email: andrew.turner491@btinternet.com

The XI Summer Camp IFK Kyokushin Uruguay

The XI Summer Camp IFK Kyokushin Uruguay took place on March 10-13, 2022.

As in previous years, Dojos from different cities of our organization gathered to celebrate being able to train in person together. Training sessions started before sunrise and continued throughout the day, with additional sessions at night. Different scenarios, including the beach, tatami, grass, and a special one surrounding a campfire at night, made this a unique experience.

This year we had participants from Montevideo, Mercedes, Dolores, Salto, Marindia and San Carlos. In addition to the 10 sessions, special training and meetings were held for instructors and advanced kyus.

Exams for KYU grades and DAN grades were held, with 3 of our colleagues successfully earning their 1st DAN.

Like every Summer Camp, this one left us with unique memories that will be treasured for years to come, and anecdotes that we will share over time!

On behalf of everyone, I want to thank each of the participants for their time, commitment and dedication; and above all for the positive energy at all times.

Families are also to be thanked for their continued support, as well as the instructors for their dedication and commitment.

 We will see each other in 2023 for our XII Summer Camp!


Sensei German Carballo

National Referee Course on 12th February 2022

On 12 of February 2022 a whole day national referee seminar of the IFK Switzerland Kyokushinkai took place in the Dojo of Wohlen. Under the leadership of Shihan Anton Gansner and Shihan Dolores Emmenegger-Jaros, both 5th DAN, a total of 34 karateka's trained their skills as judges in the two disciplines Kyokushinkai and Kata. We received in a workshop useful feedback from the course participants. This will implemented in future courses.

Many thanks to the Karate Club Wohlen for their hospitality and to all seminar participants for their exemplary discipline and great participation.

IFK Uruguay began 2022 with a national seminar

IFK Uruguay began 2022 with a national seminar for instructors at the Hombu (Abumi Dojo) on Saturday 8th.

Sensei German Carballo, Country Representative, led the morning and afternoon training sessions focussing on keep improving and standardizing technical aspects of the IFK syllabus throughout the different dojos.

In addition to training, sessions also covered:

- Goals for the organization and for each individual dojo and instructor, which were shared and discussed

- National plan and key events in the 2022 agenda

- Refresh session on kumite referee rules

Instructors from all the dojos attended coming from Montevideo, Canelones, Maldonado, Salto and Soriano.

22nd DAN-Seminar IFK Switzerland Kyokushinkai

The 22nd, annual black belt seminar took place on Saturday, January 8th, in the Dojo of the Karate Club Wohlen. This first event of 2022 was participated by 37 Yudansha’s from IFK-Switzerland Kyokushinkai.

Sensei Piotr Szeligowski, 4th DAN, was responsible for the seminar topic "Exercises with the Resistance Band".

Sensei Piotr did an excellent job of teaching the seminar topic with his enormous experience in informative way and thus explained the "link" between theory and practice clearly and understandable.

Many thanks to Sensei Piotr for the very informative hours.

 Further thanks to all seminar participants for their excellent discipline, so that we could hold this seminar with the Covid-rules. 

 OSU, IFK Switzerland Kyokushinkai

IFK USA Dan Grading

I would like to extend my congratulations to the new USA-IFK Shodan Black Belts that tested over the weekend at the Fighting Spirit Karate Dojo in New Paltz, NY this past weekend, following a long and enduring 4 hour testing of the IFK Curriculum and fighting.....

Also a very special congrats out to Sensei Amjad Nawasz on his promotion to 4th Dan from our Oklahoma City Dojo.

A special Day for their respective teachers, Shihan Ellis, Shihan Poe and Shihan Sean.....Big Osu!!!!

Shihan Michael Monaco

Promoted to Yondan:
- Sensei Amajd Nawasz (OKC)

Promoted to Shodan:
- Senpai Rebecca Haskel (FSK)

- Senpai Veronica Williams (Vital Karate Coumbus Dojo)

- Senpai Dona Lamboy (FSK)

- Senpai Scott Barra (FSK)

- Senpai Ken Casamento (FSK)

- Senpai Ryan Kraus (FSK)

- Senpai Reinaldo (FSK)

Sandnes Training Weekend


Sandnes IFK Norway Dojo will host a seminar under the guidance of Shihan Andrew Turner 6th dan covering all aspects of the IFK curriculum. He will be assisted by Country Representative Shihan Svein Dallavara who will take sessions in Kumite and Kata for tournament preparation.

Friday 26th November 1730 to Sunday 28th November 1400


Wellhavensvei 15

Contact Sensei Arnt Anensen Sandnes Dojo for more information